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Sweet & Salty Box


Sale price$39.00
Box Size:Standard

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Gift Options

Our gift curations come in three tiers; Standard, Deluxe, and Ultimate. To see the content of each gift box, simply click on "Gift Box Content" below our curation description.

Don't forget - our Ultimate curations ship for free!

Gift Options

Our gift curations come in three tiers; Standard, Deluxe, and Ultimate. To see the content of each gift box, simply click on "Gift Box Content" below our curation description.

Don't forget - our Ultimate curations ship for free!

When we asked our Student Ambassadors what they would like to receive in a college care package, we got the same answer every time: SNACKS!

As a result, we’ve created snack boxes with a little something for all taste buds: from sweet treats, like candy, to salty snacks, like chips, and healthy snacks mixed in, this snack box is sure to hit the spot. 

When hunger strikes, be there for your college student from afar by sending a snack box full of familiar favorites they crave.

What Students Are Saying

Unwrap Success: We are the College Care Package Experts.

Our care packages are thoughtfully curated with a variety of practical and fun items, including snacks, personal care items, study aids, and more. We offer a wide range of themes and categories to fit every occasion and personality, making it easy to send a little piece of home to your favorite student.