Top 10 Tips for High School Graduation Parties

Top 10 Tips for High School Graduation Parties

Graduation season has arrived, which means it’s time for party planning! Your student’s graduation party designates the end of their high school era and welcomes in their new college chapter, so you want to ensure it’s as successful as they are. Read on to discover our top 10 tips for high school graduation party planning. 

  1. Set the Date, Time and Place

    Deciding where and when the party will take place is your first step. An ideal location includes a large backyard with both indoor and outdoor areas.  If this is not your home, consider asking family or friends that may have a home that can accommodate.

  2. Create a Guest List

    Make a guest list of people you’d like to invite to celebrate this accomplishment. This should include your family, family friends, student’s friends, their friends’ families, and perhaps even their teachers, coaches, and other important people within their lives. Getting a realistic idea of the amount of people invited can help you better plan a realistic budget.

  3. Budget

    Large events can get very costly very quickly if you don’t start out with a realistic budget in mind. Consider what you’re comfortable spending between food, drinks and decorations and work backwards from there.

  4. Send Out Invitations

    It is more likely people will be able to attend if you get the date out there early! Make sure you give plenty of advance notice, especially since weekends can fill up quickly in the summertime!

  5. Décor Theme

    The theme of your party should reflect your student’s unique interests and personality. For example, if your student is a soccer player and has a soccer scholarship, you may want to consider that theme. It is also popular to incorporate future school spirit, as in, use colors of the school they will be attending.

  6. Food & Gift Areas

    When planning your party, it’s helpful to designate specific areas by theme. The food spread can be in one area, drinks in another area near the food, a table or area designated for gifts, a photo area, etc. Some people also like to incorporate activities, like outdoor games, as well.

    Your food and drink choices should include non-polarizing favorites most people will enjoy, and foods that can easily be left out and replenished as needed. You also want your guests to be able to easily plate their food and mingle, so you may want to stay away from messy items.

    Many guests will need a place to put their graduation gifts, whether they are wrapped presents or envelopes. It is recommended to designate a gift table near the entrance, where guests can drop their gifts as they arrive. We would also recommend a box or basket specifically for envelopes to ensure none will get lost!

  7. Keep It Open

    During graduation party season, people can have multiple events in the same day. It’s helpful to give open house hours so people can stop by when it’s most convenient for their schedule.

  8. Plan for the Weather

    Many graduation parties are held outside, which can be great, but it can also come with weather risks. It can rain or even become far too hot in the sun. Consider incorporating a tent or some other shelter as backup to ensure your guests stay comfortable. 

  9. Capture Memories

    When planning décor, consider a photo booth or backdrop where everyone can take pictures throughout the party. Your student will cherish photos with their high school friends for years to come!

  10. Get Help

    While you are celebrating your student’s achievement, you are also celebrating your achievements as a parent! It is important to make sure you have help during the party so you can enjoy the party too. Consider arranging help with dishes, food/drink replenishment, clearing tables, etc. They may seem like small tasks but can end up taking up all your time. Taking these tasks off your plate and passing them off to someone who is not vital to the party can really make a huge difference to your level of enjoyment.

Remember, party planning can be stressful, but the day is about celebrating your student and your accomplishments as a parent. Take time to enjoy your efforts and savor every moment, as your student is about to embark on a new journey. We hope you and your high school graduate thoroughly enjoy celebrating their achievements at their graduation party!

Need to stock up on graduation gifts for grad party season for your student’s friends? We’ve got you covered with
awesome packaged grad gifts, so you can focus on your own party planning tasks!

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